Calibration Laboratory

Accreditation of calibration laboratories
Since 2001, SNAS has been a signatory of EA MLA and ILAC MRA in the field of calibration laboratories. In accordance with EA and ILAC policies, SNAS uses accreditation activities to ensure continuous fulfillment of all requirements arising from the relevant accreditation scheme EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017. In the field of accreditation of calibration laboratories, there are currently SNAS accredited calibration laboratories in the following areas: acoustic, electrical, chemical, geometric, mechanical quantities, quantities of time, volume, flow, pressure, temperature, humidity and recording devices in road transport.
Calibration laboratories are accredited in both regulated and non-regulated areas.
In the regulated area, SNAS cooperates with national regulators for various areas of calibration with ÚNMS SR.
Submission of application for accreditation
The application for the accreditation service is submitted only through the AIS accreditation information system.
Annex OA 1: Calibration Laboratory
Title | Size | Document |
Annex OA 1: Calibration Laboratory (ZIP) | 90.55 KB |
Submission of application for change of accreditation of a formal charakter
In the case of a change in accreditation of a formal nature according to point 7.1.7 of MSA-04 (e.g. formal modification in the area or scope of accreditation, change in normative documents, change in standard that doesn`t affect the method, inclusion of reported changes of flexible RA, modification of RA resulting from requirements regulator, modification of RA resulting from requirements of mandatory documents EA, ILAC, IAF, other modifications that don`t affect the relevant determining data, etc.), it`s necessary to submit an application on the form TL 607 Application for change of accreditation of a formal nature.
Title | Size | Document |
TL-607: Application for change of accreditation of a formal nature | 36.83 KB |
Methodical Guidelines for Accreditation - Calibration Laboratory
Methodical Guidelines for Accreditation - Calibration Laboratory | |||||
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
MSA-02 | SNAS logo and marks | 11/24 |
MSA-04 | Procedure for the accreditation | 12/24 |
MSA-05 | Requirements for SNAS assessors and professional experts | 02/25 |
MSA-06 | Responsibilities of SNAS and conformity assessment bodies | 02/24 |
MSA-07 | EA requirements for the accreditation of flexible scopes (EA-2/15) | 05/24 | info | ||
MSA-08 | IAF Mandatory document for the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for auditing/assessment purposes (IAF MD 4: 2018) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-L/01 | Field and scope of accreditation of laboratories field and proficiency testing providers | 07/24 |
MSA -L/04 | Guidelines on the reporting of compliance with specification (ILAC-G8: 03/2009) | 11/20 | info | (effectiveness of the Slovak translation) | |
MSA-L/12 | Expression of the uncertainty of measurement in calibration (EA-4/02) | 05/22 | info | (effectiveness of the Slovak translation) | |
MSA-L/14 | Determination of the level and freqency of the participation in proficiency testing | 02/25 |
effective from 07.2021 | |
MSA-N/01 | EA Document on Accreditation for Notification Purposes | 02/25 | only in Slovak version |
Policies for Accreditation - Calibration Laboratory | |||||
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
PL-01 | SNAS Policy on Quality and Impartiality | 02/24 |
PL-02 | Code of conduct for SNAS employee | 07/19 |
PL-03 | SNAS Policy on Non-Discriminatory Access to Accreditation | 05/20 |
PL-04 | EA Cross Border Accreditation Policy and Procedure for Cross Border Cooperation between EA Members (EA-2/13 M:2019) | 05/20 | info | ||
PL-05 | SNAS Policy for the Implementation of Accreditation Schemes | 12/24 |
PL-06 | SNAS Policy on Cooperation with Interested Parties | 12/24 |
PL-07 | SNAS Policy on Accreditation of Laboratories | 07/24 |
PL-10 | SNAS Policy on Accreditation for Authorisation/ notification Purposes | 10/23 |
PL-11 | SNAS Policy Applied for Updating Standards Laying Down Testing and Calibration Methods in Accredited Entities | 01/25 |
PL-13 | SNAS Policy in the Field of Traceability of Measurements | 12/20 |
PL-16 | SNAS Policy on Protection and Use of SNAS Logo, Accreditation and Combined Mark of Accredited Body | 03/20 |
PL-18 | EA Procedure and Criteria for the Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes by EA Accreditation Body Members (EA-1/22 A-AB: 2023 | 12/24 | info | ||
PL-21 | SNAS policy for accreditation of flexible scope | 05/22 |
PL-23 | SNAS Policy on Participation in Proficiency Testing | 02/25 |
PL-25 | SNAS Policy for Subcontracting | 07/21 |
PL-34 | SNAS Policy for uncertainty in calibration (ILAC P14: 09/2020) | 03/21 | info | ||
Checklist and forms
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
TL 238 | Checklist for testing, calibration and medical laboratories with FLEXIBLE SCOPE | 08/24 |
List of activities for calibration laboratories
In connection with the implementation of the information system project, the result of which should be the simplification and transparency of the entire accreditation process, the Slovak National Accreditation Service prepared list of determining data for individual areas of accreditation.
Defining the determining data describing the operation of calibration laboratories is based on the measured quantity. The expertise of SNAS assessors and experts involved in accreditation services is defined in the same way. The goal is to achieve the compatibility of the database of assessors and accredited laboratory activities, ensuring the correct selection of assessment group members, reducing the administrative burden, as well as speeding up and simplifying the entire assessment process. The result is the attached "activities catalog". Categorization of laboratory activities based on this "catalogue" will help as a basis for the compilation of assessment groups.
Traceability for testing and calibration laboratories
Measurement results of laboratories that want to be accredited or are accredited must be treceable in an acceptable way in accordance with the requirements of Art. 6.5 of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard.
SNAS has elaborated policy PL - 13: SNAS Policy on metrological traceability of measurement results.
To make it easier to choose a suitable place to ensure treceabiity, we provide the following information:
- In the case of the measurement results treceability to the Slovak Metrological Institute or foreign metrological institutes, it`s necessary to check whether the relevant metrological institute is a signatory to the Convention on the Recognition of Standards and Certificates Issued by the Institute (signatories, convention), and whether it has in the CMC (Calibration and measurement capability) tables, published data in the given area to the extent that the laboratory requires its continuity of measurements.
The fulfillment of these conditions in terms of the Convention of BIPM, OIML and ILAC is recognized as an acceptable treceability of measurement results.
- In case of treceability of measurements with an accredited laboratory, it is necessary for the laboratory to choose a suitable place in the database of published accredited laboratories of the relevant national or foreign accreditation body, which is a signatory of the EA-MLA Mutual Recognition Agreement or ILAC-MRA. Measurement treceability of the laboratory is acceptably ensured if the selected entity provides treceability services in the measurement range and with the uncertainty required by the laboratory or needs for its measurements or calibrations. The obtained uncertainty of the results of the relevant calibration from the entity providing treceability services is only one component in the balance of the uncertainty of the result of measurement, testing or calibration in the laboratory.
- There are calibrations or measurements in testing, for the results of which it is not possible to ensure treceability strictly to SI units. In these cases, the credibility of the measurement must be ensured by creating treceability in the following way:
- using certified reference materials from competent supplier who is able to provide their reliable physical or chemical characteristics;
- using specified methods and/or agreed templates that are clearly described and agreed upon by the parties involved;
- laboratory participation in appropriate interlaboratory comparisons is required when possible.
The above principles also apply to the use of reference materials, as these have the attribute of a standard.
In case of confusion in the area of ensuring continuity, in specific cases, the accreditation body can be contacted directly.
SNAS assessors must follow the above-mentioned principles when assessing compliance with the requirements for ensuring treceability in calibration and testing laboratories.
Traceability for testing and calibration laboratories | |||||
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
PL-13 | SNAS Policy in the Field of Traceability of Measurements | 12/20 |
Profeciency testing and interlaboratory comparison
SNAS assesses the fulfillment of requirements of the standards ISO/IEC 17025 for testing and calibration laboratories, ISO 15189 for medical laboratories and these standards require that laboratories shall have a system for assurance of quality of test and/or calibration results and medical examination within this system they participate in proficiency testing (external quality assessment) or in other interlaboratory comparisons. Proficiency tests and interlaboratory comparisons are an important tool for monitoring of laboratory performance. SNAS considers the participation of laboratories in the PT and ILC programs as an important part of demonstrating the fulfillment of the accreditation criteria of accredited laboratories.
SNAS requires the active participation of laboratories in PT/ILC programs organized in Slovakia or at the international level in accordance with the relevant EA and SNAS regulations. The participation of laboratories in PT and ILC is governed by the SNAS policy for participation in proficiency tests PL-23 and the methodological guideline for determination of the level and frequency of the participation in proficiency testing MSA-L/14.
If PT/ILC is not available (practicable), the laboratory must ensure quality control by other adequate procedures (MSA-L/14 and PL23).
Calibration, testing and medical laboratories are obliged to insert the current version of the implementation of the participation strategy in PT /ILC in the completed relevant form TL 71 before each assessment into AIS, in the section Documentation, PT/annual analyses.
Profeciency testing and interlaboratory comparison | |||||
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
PL-23 | SNAS Policy on Participation in Proficiency Testing | 02/25 |
MSA-L/14 | Determination of the level and freqency of the participation in proficiency testing | 02/25 |
effective from 07.2021 |
Proficiency testing providers accredited SNAS
European database of proficiency testing programs (EPTIS)
List of selected competent PT providers
Technical Guarantor for Calibration
Ing. Jaromír Durný; e-mail: jaromir.durny(@); mobil: 0940 982 185