Quality Management Systems
Accreditation of certification bodies certifying management systems
The process of accreditation of bodies certifying management systems consists of assessing and confirming the organization's ability to perform certification of management systems according to ISO/IEC 17021-1: 2015 and relevant standards or normative documents.
Part of the assessment process for granting accreditation to a new applicant is also witness assessments for each management system, which are carried out by observing the body certifying the management systems during the audit of the certification applicant.
After the granting of accreditation, planned surveillances and reaccreditations are performed over accredited certification bodies certifying management systems. During the validity of the certificate, it will be verified that the certification body constantly meets all accreditation requirements. The planned surveillance and reaccreditations also include witness assessments according to the witness assessment plan, which are carried out according to the rules specified in other relevant standards and relevant mandatory EA, IAF documents.
Areas of accreditation of the Certification bodies certifying Management Systems according to ISO/IEC 17021-1: 2015 and Sector specific certification schemes:
- Quality Management Systems (QMS) according to ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17021-3,
- End-of-Waste Management Systems (QMS-EoW) according to ISO 9001, commission regulation (EU) No. 333/2011, Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 1179/2012 and 715/2013,
- Quality Management Systems for Welding (QMS-W) according to ISO 9001 and ISO 3834,
- Sustainable Forest Certification Scheme (SFCS) according to TD SFCS 1002, TD SFCS 1003 a TD SFCS 1005,
- Quality Management Systems for Medical Devices (QMS-MD) according to ISO 13485,
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS) according to ISO 14001 and ISO/IEC 17021-2,
- Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (OH&SMS) according to ISO 45001 and ISO/IEC TS 17021-10,
- Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) according to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27006,
- Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) according to ISO 22000 and ISO 22003 – 1:2022,
- Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) according to ISO 22003 – 1:2022 and the requirements of the FSSC 22000 scheme,
- Energy Management Systems (EnMS) according to ISO 50001 and ISO 50003,
- Anti-Bribery Management Systems according to ISO 37001 and ISO/IEC TS 17021-9,
- Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) according to ISO 22301 and ISO/IEC TS 17021-6,
- Management of IT services (ITSMS) according to ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/IEC 20000-6.
Electronic services for providing accreditation services
Slovak National Accreditation Services has launched electronical services for providing accreditation services. All processes, including filling in the applications for providing accreditation services, its course, procesing results from testing of whole service, are solved electronically - directly by Accreditation information system - AIS.
It is necessary to have internet connection and web browser for AIS usage. Access to AIS is possible anytime on website AIS
New applicants for accreditation have to fill the registration form for their legal entity on website AIS
Application for accreditation services can be submit only through AIS.
More information about working in AIS you can find in the User's Guide for the Subject, accessible after logging into the system by clicking on the name of the logged-in user at the top right of the screen.
Annex OA 7: Certification Body Operating Certification of Management Systems
Title | Size | Document |
Annex OA 7: Certification Body Operating Certification of Management Systems - v. 14.02.2025 | 238.87 KB |
Methodical Gudilines for Accreditation - Certification Body Operating Certification of Management Systems
Methodical Gudilines for Accreditation - Certification Body Operating Certification of Management Systems | |||||
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
MSA-02 | SNAS logo and marks | 11/24 |
MSA-04 | Procedure for the accreditation | 12/24 |
MSA-05 | Requirements for SNAS assessors and professional experts | 02/25 |
MSA-06 | Responsibilities of SNAS and conformity assessment bodies | 02/24 |
MSA-07 | EA requirements for the accreditation of flexible scopes (EA-2/15) | 05/24 | info | ||
MSA-08 | IAF Mandatory document for the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for auditing/assessment purposes (IAF MD 4: 2018) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-CS/01 | Scope and scope specification of accreditation of bodies certifying management systems | 02/25 |
MSA-CS/04 | IAF Mandatory Document for the Audit and Certification of a Management System Operated by a Multi-Site Organization (IAF MD 1: 2018) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-CS/05 | IAF Mandatory Document for the Transfer of Accredited Certification of Management Systems, Issue 2 (IAF MD 2: 2007, Issue 2) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-CS/08 | EA Guidelines on the Use of ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17021-1 for Certification to EN ISO 3834 (EA-6/02 M: 2022) | 04/22 | info | ||
MSA-CS/09 | Legal compliance as a part of accredited ISO 14001:2015 certification (EA-7/04 M: 2017) | 06/17 | info | ||
MSA-CS/10 | IAF Mandatory Document for the Application of ISO/IEC 17021 for Audits of Integrated Management Systems (IAF MD 11: 2013, Issue 1, Version 3) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-CS/11 | IAF Mandatory Document for Determination of audit time of quality and environmental management systems (IAF MD 5:2015) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-CS/13 | Application of ISO/IEC 17021-1 in the field of medical device quality management systems (ISO 13485) (IAF MD 9: 2017) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-CS/15 | Witnessing Activities For The Accreditation Of Management Systems Certification Bodies (IAF MD 17: 2019) | 02/25 |
info | |
MSA-CS/18 | Application of ISO/IEC 17021-1 for the Certification of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OH&SMS) (IAF MD 22: 2018) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-CS/19 | Control of Entities Operating on Behalf of Accredited Management Systems Certification Bodies (IAF MD 23:2018) | 02/25 | info | ||
MSA-N/01 | EA Document on Accreditation for Notification Purposes | 02/25 | only in Slovak version |
Policies for Accreditation - Certification Body Operating Certification of Management Systems
Policies for Accreditation - Certification Body Operating Certification of Management Systems | |||||
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
PL-01 | SNAS Policy on Quality and Impartiality | 02/24 |
PL-02 | Code of conduct for SNAS employee | 07/19 |
PL-03 | SNAS Policy on Non-Discriminatory Access to Accreditation | 05/20 |
PL-04 | EA Cross Border Accreditation Policy and Procedure for Cross Border Cooperation between EA Members (EA-2/13 M:2019) | 05/20 | info | ||
PL-05 | SNAS Policy for the Implementation of Accreditation Schemes | 12/24 |
PL-06 | SNAS Policy on Cooperation with Interested Parties | 12/24 |
PL-08 | SNAS Policy on Accreditation of Certification Bodies | 12/24 |
PL-10 | SNAS Policy on Accreditation for Authorisation/ notification Purposes | 10/23 |
PL-16 | SNAS Policy on Protection and Use of SNAS Logo, Accreditation and Combined Mark of Accredited Body | 03/20 |
PL-18 | EA Procedure and Criteria for the Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes by EA Accreditation Body Members (EA-1/22 A-AB: 2023 | 12/24 | info | ||
PL-22 | SNAS policy for revision of granted scopes of accreditation in the field of certification of products, persons and management systems | 07/22 |
PL-25 | SNAS Policy for Subcontracting | 07/21 |
PL27 | SNAS Policy for accreditation of proficiency testing providers | 02/25 |
PL-41 | SNAS policy for issuing certificates by Certification Bodies for Management Systems certification in non-accredited regime | 12/24 |
PL-52 | IAF Policy Document: General Principles for the use of the IAF CERTSEARCH MARK (IAF PL 9:2019) | 02/25 | info | ||
PL-57 | SNAS Policy and Procedure on the Assessment of Certification Bodies Certifying Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) according to Requirements of Standard ISO/IEC 27001: 2022 in accordance with IAF MD 26: 2023 | 07/23 |
Control questions for accreditation of certification bodies certifying management systems:
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
TL73/S | Analysis and Activity Plan - Management Systems | 01/22 |
As of February 1, 2020, The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) has officially launched the world's exclusive global database for accredited management system certifications, providing businesses and governments the ability to digitally validate an organization’s certification(s) to determine if a certificate is valid and if the Certification Body issuing the certificate is accredited to issue certifications to that standard.
IAF CertSearch (https://www.iafcertsearch.org/), the largest global database for accredited certifications, currently includes around 400,000 valid certifications across more than 150 economies covering a range of sectors. With over 4000 certification bodies and 68 IAF MLA signatory accreditation bodies globally, validation of certifications across supply chains can be difficult. The aggregation of certification data in one global database – IAF CertSearch makes the validation process simple and efficient.
Formation and maintenance of the IAF CERTSEARCH database will provide a unique location for all accredited management system certifications issued by the certification bodies accredited by IAF accreditation bodies from around the world, which will increase validation efficiency and reduce abuse given that:
- increase the importance of accredited certification, increase visibility for those who are certified, and increase the value and integrity of accredited certificates.
- undoubtedly establish that the certification is valid as well as that the certification body is truly accredited and that the accreditation body is a signatory to the IAF MLA.
- reduced counterfeiting and expired certificates
- distinguishing an accredited certification from a non-accredited certification can be difficult
What is the purpose of the IAF CertSearch database?
The main purpose of the new platform is to support the integrity of management system accredited certificates thus enabling stakeholders to check the status of accredited certificates. Thanks to this database, it can be determined within seconds if a particular company has a valid certification issued by a certification body accredited by an accreditation body that is a signatory to the IAF MLA.
How to use the IAF CERTSEARCH database?
IAF CERTSEARCH is a tool users can use when they want to check accredited certifications provided the user knows the "company/organization name" or "certificate ID". The database receives information from the IAF confirming that accreditation bodies are signatories to the IAF MLA Agreement. The database also receives information from accreditation bodies to ensure that certification bodies are accredited to issue accredited certificates in accordance with the standard. At the same time, the database also receives information from certification bodies to ensure that the certification is valid.

IAF CertSearch Mark
IAF has developed an IAF CertSearch Mark that links to the IAF CertSearch database. Organizations that have an active accredited certification in the IAF CertSearch database will have the ability to include an IAF CertSearch Mark on their website. Valid Accredited Certification Bodies and Accreditation Bodies who appear in IAF CertSearch can also include an IAF CertSearch Mark on their website demonstrating their accreditation and IAF membership status. The IAF CertSearch Mark will link to their profile on the IAF CertSearch database (Policy SNAS PL-52: IAF Policy Document: General Principles for the use of the IAF CERTSEARCH MARK (IAF PL 9:2019).
Who can use the IAF CertSearch database and why is it important?
A global database where users can search and validate the status of accredited certifications issued by a Certification Body which has been accredited by an IAF MLA Signatory Accreditation Body. This means a member of the public can validate an organization’s certification(s) confidently knowing, the certification is valid, the Certification Body is accredited and the Accreditation Body is a current IAF MLA Signatory member, in real-time, all in one process.
Guidance for certification bodies certifying in the outbreaks of COVID-19 disease
In case of increased risk of certification body employees, quarantine declarations and related travel restrictions in outbreaks of COVID-19 disease, certification bodies may, after consultation with the relevant SNAS guarantor, apply IAF ID 3: 2011 and IAF MD 4: 2018 procedures if the nature of sector certification / type of audit allows.
Announcements and news:
Each year, the certification body submits to SNAS an up-to-date list of valid and suspended certificates, their planned audit dates for the current year and a description of all its critical sites, no later than 31 January of the current year on Excel format - TL 73 / S (for CO certifying management systems).
Download form: TL 73 / S SNAS - Analysis and plan of CO activities, CO performance, Analysis of activities abroad
Title | Size | Document |
TL73/S SNAS - Analysis and Activity Plan - Management Systems | 34.45 KB |
Technical Guarantor for Quality Management Systems
Ing. Anna Ondrášiková; e-mail: anna.ondrasikova(@)snas.sk; +421 948 073 246
Ing. Jana Vašková; e-mail: jana.vaskova(@)snas.sk; +421 940 946 729