Profeciency Testing Providers

Issuance of the new Policy PL-59: Policy and procedure for assessing the organizers of proficiency tests according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17043: 2023
This regulation determines the policy and procedure of SNAS for the transition to the accreditation of proficiency testing providers according to the requirements of the revised standard ISO/IEC 17043: 2023 published in May 2023.
Effective from: 20.10.2023
Accreditation of profeciency testing providers
Since 2019, SNAS is a signatory of EA MLA and ILAC MRA in the field of PT providers. In accordance with EA and ILAC policies, SNAS uses accreditation activities to ensure permanent fulfillment of all requirements resulting from the relevant accreditation scheme ISO/IEC 17043. PT providers are currently SNAS accredited in the following areas: testing (food of plant and animal origin, beverages, cosmetics, fuels, water, soil, sludge, construction industry, textiles, chemical products, air in the environment, testing of mechanical quantity measures, sampling of water and building materials) and calibration (calibration of measures of geometric quantities, mechanical quantities, thermal and technical quantities, measures and reference materials physically - chemical quantities, gauges and measurements of electrical quantities, frequency and time, medical devices - audiometers).
Submission of Application for Accredtation in the area PT Providers
The application for the accreditation service is submitted exclusively through the AIS accreditation information system.
Registration in AIS is required before submitting the first application for accreditation. When filling out the application for the accreditation service for the field of competence test providers, it is necessary to insert the completed Annex OA 4.
Title | Size | Document |
Annex OA 4: Proficiency Testing Provider - v.14.02.25, v.04.03.25 | 59.95 KB |
Submission of a request for change of accreditation of a formal character
In the event of a change in accreditation of a formal character according to point 7.1.7 of MSA-04 (e.g. formal adjustment in the area or scope of accreditation, change in normative documents, change in a standard that does not affect the method, incorporation of reported changes to the flexible SA, adjustment of the SA resulting from requirements regulator, modification of the SA, resulting from the requirements of the mandatory documents EA, ILAC, IAF, other modifications that do not affect the relevant determining data, etc.), it is necessary to submit an application on the form TL 607 Application for change of accreditation of a formal character.
Title | Size | Document |
TL-607: Application for change of accreditation of a formal nature | 36.83 KB |
Methodical Guidelines for accreditation PT Providers
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
MSA-02 | SNAS logo and marks | 11/24 |
MSA-04 | Procedure for the accreditation | 12/24 |
MSA-05 | Requirements for SNAS assessors and professional experts | 02/25 |
MSA-06 | Responsibilities of SNAS and conformity assessment bodies | 02/24 |
MSA-07 | EA requirements for the accreditation of flexible scopes (EA-2/15) | 05/24 | info | ||
MSA-L/01 | Field and scope of accreditation of laboratories field and proficiency testing providers | 07/24 |
Policies SNAS for accreditation PT Providers
Identification | Title | Valid from | File | Extra | Note |
PL-01 | SNAS Policy on Quality and Impartiality | 02/24 |
PL-02 | Code of conduct for SNAS employee | 07/19 |
PL-03 | SNAS Policy on Non-Discriminatory Access to Accreditation | 05/20 |
PL-04 | EA Cross Border Accreditation Policy and Procedure for Cross Border Cooperation between EA Members (EA-2/13 M:2019) | 05/20 | info | ||
PL-05 | SNAS Policy for the Implementation of Accreditation Schemes | 12/24 |
PL-06 | SNAS Policy on Cooperation with Interested Parties | 12/24 |
PL-16 | SNAS Policy on Protection and Use of SNAS Logo, Accreditation and Combined Mark of Accredited Body | 03/20 |
PL-23 | SNAS Policy on Participation in Proficiency Testing | 02/25 |
PL-25 | SNAS Policy for Subcontracting | 07/21 |
PL27 | SNAS Policy for accreditation of proficiency testing providers | 02/25 |
PL-59 | Policy and procedure in assessment of PTP according to ISO/IEC 17043: 2023 | 10/23 |
Checklist - Profeciency testing providers
Profeciency testing providers accredited by SNAS
Provider | Informations |
Proficiency Testing Solutions Bulgaria Ltd. | |
Slovenská legálna metrológia (SLM) | |
PT Provider UCLSB Ltd. | |
VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o. | |
Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva (VUVH) | |
Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav | |
European database of profeciency testing programs (EPTIS)
EPTIS | Informations |
European database of profeciency testing programs (EPTIS) |
Selected competent Profeciency testing providers
Contact to NAB of neighbouring countries to the Slovak Republic with accreditation scheme according to ISO/IEC 17043 for PT providers
Country and abbreviation of the organization |
Czech Republic CAI
Austria AA
Poland PCA
Hungary NAH
Contact the Technical Guarantor of PTP
Deputy Technical Guarantor: RNDr. Lívia Kijovská, PhD.; mobil: + 421 902 931 600